That's What She Said
Jackson Junge Gallery proudly presents their first group exhibition of 2025, THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID. The exhibition features artwork by women about women, showcasing the talent of 36 fem artists, many of whom are local to the Chicagoland area. In response to a contentious election, the gallery hopes to celebrate and empower women by giving female and non-binary creators a platform to share their experiences. When faced with oppression, creating becomes an important outlet where women artists can freely express themselves.
The artwork in THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID explores many different facets of womanhood. Representing both the soft, vulnerable side of femininity alongside the strong, protective side is Amber Ramos’ “Exposed and Armored”, an analog collage in which a woman form is half exposed, half covered in armor. While woman possess the unmeasurable capacity to be whatever they choose, unfortunately they are frequently hindered by societal expectations of their gender. With the constricted chest of a woman in “Caged”, Renee Kuharchuk paints a visual representation “of what anxiety feels like while inhabiting a female presenting body. The invisible limits that males place on our existence, presence, our voice. Women have all felt this anxiety, we’ve all experienced being held back or held down, out of our control.”